Limited Show Results 2005
Sunday 30th January, 2005
A few photographs of the show
I really enjoyed my day at this friendly show. The committee made me feel very welcome and I had some excellent exhibits. The bitches were particularly strong. I was very pleased with my line up - BIS, RBIS, BOS & BP all turned out to be by the same dog! He's certainly throwing a super type.
VD: Baker's Chacombe Chattanooga. Lovely small size Blenheim, nicely balanced and compact. Superb eyes, first class pigmentation. A real showman and still enjoying himself.
MPD: Waters Rytonian Matthew. Super Blenheim pup. Nice compact size, with good substance, flashy markings with nice rich colour. Full of character and oozing breed type. Liked him as soon as I saw him. Certainly one to watch. BPD & BPIS.
PD: Hazeldene Toffee at Sharvo. Nice sized B&T more mature than 2. Superbly presented. Liked his head shape and short body. Went well when settled.
JD: Willey & Siddle's Penemma Harry Potter. Nice sized Blenheim. Superb rich colour, nice coat. Liked his expression and large eyes. Outgoing and confident.
MD: Carr's Ledesham Russelling Shells. Nice size tri. Lovely character. Needed time to settle. Nicely bodied with rich tan markings.
ND: Willey & Siddle's Panemma Pan Pipe. Litter brother to junior winner. Just as well made, nice muscle tone. Rich chestnut markings, well broken up. Confident and showed well.
GD: Baker's Nevhill Navarra. Ideal size tri in superb condition. Liked his head and expression. Nice white collar and shown to advantage. RBD
PG Blen. Or Tri: Higgins Chamanic Sentinel at Chesalatina. Lightly marked Blenheim with rich coloured markings. Nice happy personality. Nice round eyes and well cushioned face.
PG B&T or Ruby: Green's Catemmsal Sunset. Nice short ruby. Good ear leathers. Correct head shape giving pleasing expression. Nice coat. Good rear angulation.
LD: Korn's Sandusk Monterey. One I have admired before. Really typy Blenheim. Super round dark eyes giving soft gentle expression. Full of glamour. Well broken rich chestnut markings, soft silky coat. Looked nice on the move - plenty of drive. Nice one. Best Dog.
OD: Bakers Nevhills Roosevelt: Superbly made Blenheim dog. Lighter marked but chestnut a good rich colour. Lovely round dark eyes, super ear leathers and plenty of coat. As usual, presented to perfection.
VB: Beattie's Phylmars Pearly Queen at Norcrest. Happy 8 year old enjoying her day. Nice dark eyes, pleasing expression, rich tan markings.
MPB: Leach's Rheinvelt Raven Simone at Ouzlewell. 6 month B+T at her first show. Very well presented and shown. Pretty girl with a happy character. Gentle expression. On her own here, but deserved her placing.
PB: Reany's Royalvale Rock Don't Stop. 10 month B+T in nice coat, nicely presented. Rich tan colour in all the right places. Plenty of substance. Gentle expression from well cushioned face, framed by nicely set ears. Best Wholecolour & BPB
JB: Inglis' Craigowl Bilberry. Superb Tri, so full of character and sparkle. Catches your eye immediately with her lovely profile & presence. Neck & shoulders just right, nice clean white markings, definitely one to watch.
MB: Waters' Maibee Alexandria. Another nice one from this kennel of the type we have come to expect - usual rich colour, superb head, and lovely dark eyes. Ideal size. Confident and happy. A quality bitch. RBB & RBIS
NB: Inglis' Craigowl Columbia. Another tri from this breeder, also well constructed, liked her gentle expression. Moved out with drive. Nice coat presented, as always from this exhibitor, in immaculate condition.
GB: Townsend's Ricksbury Madame Rochas. Nice size blen with pretty head. Nice round eyes, well broken markings. Well made which showed on the move, showed well.
SGT or B: Inglis' Maibee Vienne of Craigowl. Another top quality tri from this kennel. Liked her size shape and character. Really well made and in nice condition - a pleasure to go over. Sweet head with lovely big eyes. A nice one.
SPG B&T or R: Reany's Leelyn Soul Sister. Black & Tan who went well on the move, but flagged in the challenge. Glamorous, in nice coat, and lovely ear leathers. Rich tan markings and pleasing expression.
LB: Richardson's Rosemonde Vogue at Kenngleholme. Blenheim bitch with rich tan markings, well broken, pleasing feminine expression. Nice angulation. Showed well.
OB: Inglis' Craigowl Vera Cruz. Superb Blenheim bitch, everything just right.. Loved her clear flashy markings, really rich coloured coat, gorgeous head and expression, lovely round dark eyes, nice deep pigment. Ideal size. Quality in every respect and a well balanced toy spaniel. In the challenge she had it all. Best Bitch and Best in Show.