Annual Points Awards

Every year at our AGM, the Northern Cavalier CKS Society awards the following Points Trophies
Top Puppy Trophy

Top Dog Trophy

Top Bitch Trophy

The Top Puppy, Top Dog, Top Bitch trophies are awarded to Northern Cavalier CKS Society Members whose Dog or Bitch have amassed the most points at any OPEN or LIMITED show from 1st January to 31st December from the previous year.

The Points are awarded as follows
First place ~ 4 points
Second place ~ 3 points
Third place ~ 2 points
Fourth place ~ 1 point.

Please note that Championship show wins DO NOT count
Open show/ Limited show placings MUST be in a Breed Class and Any Variety Class placings DO NOT count.

Puppy class placings together with wins in other classes (eg Novice) are valid, providing they are won whilst still a puppy and within the 12 month period …1st January to 31st December
Please send (by post or email) your completed form at the earliest, and no later than 28th April, to Trophy Secretary
Norma Inglis
Clavering House
Victoria Garesfield
Rowlands Gill
Tyne and Wear
NE39 1LY

We invite applicants to download the form
Or get in touch with Norma .

Top Wholecolour Bitch Trophy

Top Veteran Trophy

The Best Wholecolour Bitch Trophy and Best Veteran Trophy are awarded to Club members whose Cavaliers have amassed the most points, throughout the previous 12 months, by winning places at ANY of the Northern Cavalier CKS Society shows, Championship and Open shows are both valid.

The Points are awarded as follows
First place ~ 4 points
Second place ~ 3 points
Third place ~ 2 points
Fourth place ~ 1 point

There is no need to complete a form for these two trophies as the Trophy Secretary will calculate the points won and announce the winner.


There were no awards for the years 2019, 2020 or 2021