Welcome to the Northern Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Society website.

We hope you will enjoy it.

Welcome to our website.
It is for anyone who would like to find out more about this wonderful Breed.
Here you will find information about the Society, our upcoming events and show results going back to 2003.

Higham Press

Our 2024 Championship Show is now open for entries

Visit Higham Press for Schedule, Entry Form or Online Entries
50th Championship show will be in the ring next door to the Leeds Cavalier Judge and will start 30 minutes later with the bitch classes followed by the dog classes.
Higham Press

Myxomatous Mitral Valve Disease (MMVD)

Myxomatous Mitral Valve Disease (MMVD)

A new DNA Test is available to Cavaliers for Myxomatous Mitral Valve Disease ((MMVD). The most common heart disease in Dogs and the CKCS.

A test kit, to take a Buccal Swab or blood, is available from Laboklin Laboratory.
A discount of 10% has been negotiated per test for members of the various Cavalier Clubs. Order forms are available from the link to the form below.

Detail on LABOKLIN (UK)| Genetic Diseases can be obtained from the attached link to their website with full details of this test and the disease.​
Please note the current discount is only valid for samples received between 1 June and 31 August 2024. Please click the link to print and complete the form.



Royal Kennel Club Breed Standard

General Appearance

Active, graceful and well balanced, with gentle expression.


Sporting, affectionate, absolutely fearless.


Gay, friendly, non aggressive; no tendency to nervousness.

A Society for everyone who loves and admires the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel breed

Membership is available to all

Banner with Tricolour
Banner with Blenhiem
Banner with Ruby
Banner with Black & Tan