Reserve Best in Show, Best Opposite Sex
and Best Dog

Reserve Best Bitch

Best Puppy Dog

Best Veteran In Show

Venue: Thorpe Willoughby Village Hall, Thorpe Willoughby, Near Selby, North Yorkshire, YO8 9PA
Judge: Miss Sarah Jackson (Fortunamajor)
Thank you to the Northern CKCS society for inviting me to judge their Open show. It was a well-run show with hard working committee members. A big thankyou to my stewards Jennifer Nolan and Susan Smith who kept the ring running smoothly and a huge thankyou to all who entered, you were all good sports and accepted my decisions. I thought the overall quality of puppies was very high, which is great for the future and I had great pleasure in awarding a puppy with Best in show. I was very happy with all my main winners so well done to everyone.
Veteran (3, 1)
1 Gilbert Bellflows The Gentleman JW
Blenheim dog of 10 years, masculine head, large dark eyes and plenty of cushioning under eyes. Short coupled in decent coat, dropped a little on croup but moved ok.
2 Fox Lynmily Mister Blue Sky
7-year-old Blenheim dog. Longer muzzle with less cushioning under eyes than 1st. Dark eyes, shorter neck, moved a little stiff, plenty of feathering on a decent coat.
Vintage (1, 0)
1 Gilbert Sweetbriar Mr Darce at Cavigil
Blenheim dog of 12 years, nice shape and good coat condition. An attractive head piece with a pleasing expression, in decent coat condition, moved ok.
Minor Puppy (2, 0)
1 Callaghan & Todd Callyspride Cedric
A raw 6-month Blenheim boy with a lovely expression, dark eyes, shallow stop and correct ear set. More heavily marked but a nice coat coming, enough neck with good lay of shoulder. Nice angulation on rear, well boned with a good topline, moved well. BPD
2 Bloice Scotlass Mr Bea
Blenheim dog of 7 months, small rounded head, correct bite and nicely marked. Would like more bone, moved ok.
Puppy (3, 1)
1 Rix Ricksbury Elite
Nice head on this puppy dog of 10 months, with round dark eyes, correct scissor bite, a shallow stop with enough length of muzzle. Nicely arched neck leading to lay of shoulder with good front, well angulated rear and well ribbed for age. Nicely marked, coat coming and moved well.
2 Leach Ouzlewell’s Ambassador
Another nice puppy dog of 9 months, heavier marked Blenheim, nice head with large dark eyes and correct bite. Still some puppy coat to shed, good front and rear and moved well with a level topline. Close decision just preferred the rib on 1st.
Junior (4, 2)
1 Fox-Shone Pamedna The Power of Love
Blenheim dog of 13 months, nice head coming with a soft expression. Enough cushioning under the eyes with correct muzzle length and a shallow stop. Well broken markings with rich tan. Arch of neck leading onto a good lay of shoulder keeping a level topline at all times, moved well once settled.
2 Linton Thekop’s Si Sinor
Black and tan boy with a nice head piece and good ear placement. Pleasing expression with nice dark eyes and correct scissor bite. Needs more spring of rib which will come, nice coat coming in, moved well.
Maiden (3, 2)
1 Leach Ouzlewells Ralphie Lauren
Blenheim with well broken markings and rich tan. Notes say spirited. Pleasing head with correct ear set, dark eyes and correct scissor bite. Good front and rear, in nice coat condition. Moved ok but difficult to assess as he was hard work for his handler.
Novice (2, 1)
1 Linton Thekop’s Si Sinor see 2nd in junior.
Graduate (4, 1)
1 Walker Carsan Richie Rich
A flashy Tri coloured dog with a beautiful head, soulful dark eyes and correct scissor bite. Ok shoulder placement, short coupling with good spring of rib and well let down hocks which gave him good drive from the rear. Shown in lovely coat condition, sparkling black with tan in the right places, happy little show dog. Moved well once settled. RBD
2 Bloice Scotlass Benny Hill
Another Tri boy slightly larger than 1st, large eyes but not the soft expression I would like. Needs to gain more confidence, was a little unsure. Heavier marked in good coat. Moved ok.
3 Evans Trufee Rocconpersee
Post Graduate Blenheim or Tricolour (3, 2)
1 Bayliss & Nolan Castlewytch Nevada Gunclub
Blenheim dog of 2 years with a nicely matured head, dark eyes and enough cushioning under eyes. Short coupled, good shoulder placement and rear. Moved well, could have done with a better coat to finish.
Post Graduate Black/Tan or Ruby (5, 1)
1 Kynaston Granasil Ovaltine JW
Ruby male, strong head with deep stop, dark round eyes with correct ear set and good scissor bite. Well laid shoulders with good spring of rib and enough coat to finish. Level topline on the move and standing, good reach and drive.
2 Eccles & Spall & Clarke Llapsttam Get Knotted JW
Black and Tan boy with attractive head, large dark eyes and correct scissor bite with enough length of muzzle with plenty of cushioning. Lay of shoulder good, dips a little behind withers standing but held a good topline on the move. Plenty of coat in good condition, moved well.
3 Linton Thekop’s Black’n’Gold
Limit (2, 1)
1 Drewett Arrowbein Jamie
Fully matured Blenheim dog. Beautiful masculine head with soft expression, shallow stop with well set ears. Correct scissor bite. Plenty coat in great condition, good lay of shoulder and short coupling. Moved well with good topline. On standing he had a tendency to slope away on rear a little but overall, a lovely exhibit who I awarded BD & RBIS.
Open (5, 3)
1 Walker Stravonga Sky Walker Kayceekay JW OSW ShCEx
Fully matured Blenheim dog with large dark eyes, correct scissor bite, plush muzzle and nicely marked with rich tan, in good coat condition. Good lay of shoulder and well angulated rear, kept a strong topline at all times, moved well once settled.
2 Lunt Oaktreepark Royal Austin
Blenheim dog with a mature head, well set ears, longer in muzzle with correct scissor bite. Would like eyes to be slightly bigger. Good front and rear in good coat condition. Steady mover keeping a level topline.
Baby Puppy (3, 2)
1 Lee’s Korraines Manhattan for Kelrick
Tri coloured bitch, almost 6 months stood alone in this baby puppy class. Well broken markings with tan in the right places, dark round eyes and correct scissor bite. Good reach of neck, a little long in loin but moved well, enjoyed her day. Best Baby Puppy.
Veteran (5, 3)
1 Colavecchia Carolus Miss Elsie
7-year-old Blenheim bitch with well broken markings, lovely dark eyes, pretty head framed nicely with correct ear set, plush muzzle and correct scissor bite. Shown in lovely coat condition. Nice lay of shoulder and well angulated rear, level topline on the move. BVIS
2 Knight Buttercup V’t Burgstse Hof At Carolus (imp Nld)
Blenheim bitch heavier marked, nice head with correct ear set, dark eyes, nice shape and moved really well, less cushioning under eyes than 1st.
Vintage (3, 0)
1 Fox Lewharle Lzzadorable for Lynmilly VW
Heavier marked Blenheim in good condition with pretty feminine head and large dark eyes. Moved really well with reach and drive keeping level topline.
2 Colavecchia Carolus Miss Liberty VW
Well-marked Blenheim with a lovely head and soulful dark eyes. Correct scissor bite, plush muzzle in lovely coat condition. Good overall shape and make, moved well but was a little stiff on the rear today.
3 Scott Toscam McKayla
Minor Puppy (6, 2)
1 Spall & Clarke Llapsttam Four Tea Love,
7 month Black and tan bitch with large dark eyes, plush muzzle with correct scissor bite. Attractive head. Plenty coat for age. Good lay of shoulder, good rear with nice overall shape. Moved well coming and going.
2 Lee Kelrick Flower power
Blenheim bitch of 8 months, nicely marked with rich tan, very pretty with expressive dark eyes, correct scissor bite. Moved well keeping a good topline, would like more bone and needs time to body up.
3 Bloice Scotlass Roses Are Red
Puppy (4, 2)
1 Kilcoyne Granasil Little Bird Told Me
Ruby girl of 10 months with round dark eyes, feminine head with scissor bite. Good lay of shoulder, level topline with good tail set. Moved out and back well. Lovely shape and make.
2 Bryson Myglee Blame It On My Juice
Another nice ruby of similar age with a pleasing shape. Overall, a little bigger than 1st but nicely made. Feminine head, dark eyes, scissor bite, good topline and tail set, moved well.
Junior (4, 1)
1 Kilcoyne Granasil Bird In The Hand
Black and Tan bitch, Sister to previous winner. lovely head developing. Dark pigmented eyes and good ear set, plush muzzle of correct length. Arch of neck with good lay of shoulder and a spirit level topline on the move and standing, moved with good reach and drive, correct tail set. A well-balanced exhibit who I awarded BB, BPIS & BIS.
2 Spall & Clarke Bevelmount Nanette by Llapsttam,
A Pretty Black and tan. Lovely feminine head with large dark eyes. Plenty fill under eyes and in good coat condition. Good shoulders and rear, moved with level topline but dipped a little on standing. Another nice exhibit.
3 Parsons Anjomil Moonflower JW
Maiden (5, 0)
1 Hall Granasil Miami Secret for Rootessma,
Ruby with broad but feminine head, large round dark eyes, correct bite. Good lay of shoulder, level topline held on move and standing just needs coat to finish. Nice rich colour.
2 Spall & Clarke Llapsttam’s Phyllis,
Heavier marked Blenheim with plenty coat. Pretty feminine head with large dark round eyes, correct scissor bite, short coupled with good lay of shoulder and well let down hocks moved well but lost topline on move.
3 Sharp-Dixon & Leach Ouzlewell’s Spring Blossom
Novice (3, 2)
1 Lunt Luvtayl Written In Stars
Blenheim with well broken markings, rich tan. Feminine head, eye colour dark and correct scissor bite, needs more coat to finish, moved well.
Graduate (2, 0)
1 Colavecchia Carolus Camilla
Well broken Blenheim with feminine head and large dark eyes. Correct scissor bite. Arch of neck leading onto well laid shoulders with good topline held at all times. Moved easy with good reach and drive, in good coat condition.
2 Richardson Kringleholme Caprice
Nicely marked Blenheim with feminine head, plush muzzle, correct scissor bite. A little short in neck but good topline. moved ok.
Post Graduate Blenheim or Tricolour (7, 3)
1 Knight Carolus Miss Chloe
Pretty Blenheim with desired tan spot, well broken markings with rich tan colouring, dark round eyes, enough fill and correct muzzle length. Good shoulder placement and short coupling with solid topline. In good coat condition. Moved well.
2 Fox Brymarden Scarlet for Lynmily
Well broken Blenheim with dark eyes. Lacking pigment a little in nose. Correct scissor bite. Moved well keeping good topline.
3 Parson Cavalicious Moonbeam For Anjomil
Post Graduate Black/Tan or Ruby (6, 5)
1 Hall Granasil Popsicle,
Black and tan, lovely head and large eyes with correct bite. Nice shape with good topline standing and on the move. Tail carriage a little high. good rear angulation, moved well.
Limit (6, 2)
1 Drewett Judyland Mischief
Heavier marked Blenheim with plenty coat in great condition, large dark eyes, well laid shoulders with good front and rear holding a level topline, plenty spring of rib, moved well.
2 Lee Kelrick Diamond Girl
A pretty well broken Blenheim, large dark eyes with correct scissor bite. Enough fill under eyes. Good front and rear with Level topline standing but lost a little on the move.
3 Lunt Oaktreepark Royal Ava
Open (3, 2)
1 Lee Conchellia Vivi Velvette by Kelrick
Petite black and tan with pretty head, large dark eyes and correct bite. Lovely black coat and bright tan. Good lay of shoulder leading onto a level topline. Nicely angulated rear giving her good drive. Full of zest, lovely exhibit and happy to award RBB
Brace (1, 0)
1 Richardson Mrs M E
Two blenheim girls, happy little duo who enjoyed their day.
Special Award Classes – Dog or Bitch
Judge: Mrs. Patricia Corner (Delaby)
I was privilaged to judge the Northern Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Special Awards Classes, thank you for the lovely entry, I thoroughly enjoyed my day.
Special Award Puppy D/B (8, 2)
1 Kilcoynes Granasil Little Bird Told Me.
10 months old Ruby Bitch ,she caught my eye as she entered the ring . Pretty head with gentle expression large dark eyes, moderate bone with a level topline,good turn of stifle coat in lovley condition super outline and moved well in both directions.
2 Spall and Clarks Llapsttam Four Tea Love.
6 Months old B&T Bitch in super coat and condition good rich tan, pretty head large dark eyes good bone and spring of rib, short coupled and level topline , well turned stifle. moved well holding her topline and nice tail carrige. showed well.
Special Award Graduate D/B (12, 7)
1 Walkers Carson Richie Rich.
17 Month old Tri Dog , This dog was full of quality. super head with large Dark eyes, exellent black pigment, shallow stop and rich tan markings, moderate chest, well laid shoulders and good spring of rib with a level topline. good turn of stifle, moved soundly both ways displaying a friendly temperment.
2 Colavecchias Carolus Camilla.
20 months old well broken Blenheim Bitch,in lovely coat and condition. Pretty head and expression shallow stop , large dark eyes and black pigment, straight front with moderate neck and well laid shoulders, level topline with good tail set and well turned stifles . she moved correctly in both direction with plenty of drive from behind. A happy show girl.
3 Fox-Shone Pamedna The Power Of Love
Special Awards Open D/B (11, 3)
1 Lees Conchellia Vivi Velvette By Kelrick.
3yr Old B&T Bitch, this B&T had lots to like, Pretty well cushioned head shallow stop with large Dark Eyes and rich Tan markings on a Raven black coat in super condition,Moderate bone and Neck, good shoulders with nice spring of rib , level topline and good turn of stifle, a pleasing outline.moved correctly and happily. Pleased to see she got R. B.B.
2 Walker Stavonga Sky Walker at Kayceekay.
3 year old Blenheim Dog well marked with rich chestnut markings and good condition. good masculine head with soft expression lovely large dark round eyes correct bite good bone with good lay of shoulder, level topline and short coupled, good turn of stifle . moved soundly for and aft holding a level topline and tail carriage. Happy Boy.
3 Spall & Clark Llapsttam’s Phyllis