New Members Welcome

Whilst primarily serving the Northern part of the country, membership of our Society is open to all who love and admire the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel breed.


Members benefit from reduced rates for our show entries and are eligible to recieve Society Trophies and Points Awards.

Information & Resources

Members receive news and updates from the Society and can participate in information sharing as well as having voting rights in matters relating to the Society, including our AGM.


Membership supports our activities in welfare and re-homing.

Membership Process

01 →

Download and complete our Membership Application Form.

Note: New members must be proposed and seconded by existing members of at least two years standing. If you don’t know two qualifying members or have any other questions, please contact our Membership Secretary, Lynn Crane by email at

02 →

Read and understand the Society’s Code of Ethics by which all members must abide.

03 →

Download and complete the GDPR Consent form. Without consent a members details will not be included in the Society’s publications and we cannot store data to enable us to comminicate with you.


Send the completed application along with the appropriate fee shown below (cheques payable to NCKCSS) and a signed copy of the GDPR Consent form to our Treasurer;

Lynn Crane
78 Red Spar Road
BB10 2EE

Annual Membership (runs to 31st December each year)


£8 + £3 Joining Fee


£10 + £3 Joining Fee


£3 + £3 Joining Fee