Best In Show Line Up

Venue: Alfreton Leisure Centre, Church Street, Alfreton, Derbyshire. DE55 7BD
Judge: Mr. Michael Forte (Ireland) (Leonfort)
It was a pleasure to judge at the Northern Cavalier Championship breed show. A super venue with
lots of room for exhibitors, I had some wonderful dogs in some classes a difficult decision, thank you
so much for the hospitality. And the warm welcome
Minor Puppy (4, 1)
1st Fox-Shone Pamedna Jacques
Well-constructed ruby with a beautiful outline standing and, on the move,
Move well front & rear with a good head and tail carriage
Still in his puppy coat
Shows himself off well in the ring
2nd Hughes Loranka’s Enganto
Well-balanced baby
Lovely head, eyes and expression
Good strength and drive from the rear
Just needs to tighten a little in front
3rd Taylors Lorankas Secret Charmer
Puppy (8, 2)
1st Chapman /Ireland /Chapman Ellemich American Express
So much to like and admire in this beautiful puppy
His beautiful head with large full eyes, with the soft expression you want but he also has intelligence
in those eyes
Excellent fill under eye, correct length of foreface
Excellent dentition, well place hears framing his masculine head
Correct length of neck fitting well into shoulders
Good spring of ribs
Level top line
Good set on tail
Strong rear with good drive
A joy to go over on the table
Once on the move, he shows off his great construction, a true mover front & rear with a wonderful
Add to this his happy ring presence, his super temperament
I was happy to award him best male puppy and the CC
He later went on to win best puppy in show
2nd Barrowclough Brymarden Banjo
Another lovely puppy with a beautiful head
Large full dark eyes giving a beautiful expression
Excellent pigment, he moves freely and help himself well on the move
3rd Linton Thekop’s Black ‘n Gold
Junior (4, 0)
1st Stanton Cassandy Bruce Banner
Lovely size black/tan, well-made giving strong movement front & rear
He holds his top line well as he goes around the ring with good tail and head carriage
Lovely head eyes and expression
Excellent dentition
Hears are well set
Presented in lovely condition
2nd Lymer Castlewytch Valentino
A lovely headed male
Excellent pigment
Large full eyes with soft expression
Just needing to tighten in front and build up a little more strength from the rear
I love is outgoing temperament
3rd Morrow-Parry Aigburth Teddy Edward
Yearling (3, 0)
1st Arrowsmith/Vorderstrasse Arrowbien New Ways to Dream
Beautiful rich tan on this well-made male
He is so well constructed gives him excellent front & rear movement with a lovely top line
Lovely to go over
Good shoulders
Good spring of ribs
Lovely balance and was considered for top honours
2nd Spall Llapsttam’s Secret Seven
Ruby male, well moving of good size
Tan could be a little richer
Well-balanced head
Well placed ears
Nice eye & expression with good outline
3rd Bayliss Castlewytch Infatuation
Novice (3, 1)
1st Barrowclough Brymarden Banjo
Another lovely puppy with a beautiful head
Large full dark eyes giving a beautiful expression
Excellent pigment, he moves freely and help himself well on the move
2nd Taylor Chambecc Shining Star
Lovely outgoing temperament
Nose just needing to fill and would like a little more spring of ribs
He moves quite freely holding a good outline
Graduate (4, 1)
1st Mynott Honeybet Tri Again
Another good moving tricolour male
Good strength in the rear giving him good drive
Match with good shoulders and upper arm, gives him great front movement
Lovely outline on the move
Nice head with good expression
Good hears, correct length of foreface, super temperament
2nd Saxton Lynmily Pride and Joy for Marlrose
Presented in lovely condition
Tan could be a little richer and eyes a little move deep set
Move well and a lovely temperament
3rd Leaver Revaelann Nik Nac Paddy Wak
Post Graduate (7, 0)
1st Biggs Thistle Do Nicely at Kellorian
Well-constructed blenheim, well broken, moves around the ring with ease, excellent outline standing
and moving
True front and rear movement
Excellent head with a lovely expression
Good tail carriage
Lovely outgoing temperament
2nd Rees Embeth Rock the Boat
Well broken with the richest of tan
He moves well front and rear with good drive and reach
He has good balance throughout but just for me, a little on the feminine side but he has a lot to like
about him
3rd Parson Peakdowns Marcopolo at Anjomil JW
Mid Limit (8, 1)
1st Holland Bonniemadra Loked an Loaded
Lovely blenhiem boy, well balance and well contrasted and lovely outline on the move
Good neck and shoulders
Good spring of rib
Excellent rear with good drive
Good head with large dark full eye giving a soft expression
Coat was a little dull today
Super outgoing temperament
2nd Godwin Cavaliegh Genova
Another lovely male in excellent condition, I like his head, balance, good length of foreface
Good pigment, good eye and ear set
Move well
3rd Hughes Loranka’s Imagine
Special Open Black & Tan/Ruby (4, 1)
1st Wileman/Bott Ch Granasil Trick or Treat for Narvidar JW
Lovely headed black and tan
Hears well-balanced throughout
Lovely head with correct length of foreface
Good width of skull
Well placed ears
Large full eye with soft expression
A sound mover in lovely condition
He has such a happy outgoing temperament
Shows himself off to perfection
2nd Spall Llapsttam’s Secret Seven
Ruby male, well moving of good size
Tan could be a little richer
Well balanced head
Well placed hears
Nice eye & expression with good outline
3rd Mattock’s Pamedna George Harrison at Leybourne
Special Open Blenheim/Tricolour (4, 1)
1st Rees Embeth Wishmaker
A good honest male
Move with strength and drive
He is well broken
He has a lovely masculine head with large full dark eyes
Soft expression, excellent pigment
Has a lovely steady temperament and shows himself off well today
2nd Sedgwick /Levy Pascavale Douglas
This was a good class of quality male
Another well-made dog
Lovely to go over on the table
Good shoulders
Good spring of rib
Good rear angulation giving him free movement
He was not quite in form today but there is so much to like about this male
He has beautiful head, eyes, and expression,
Excellent placed ears
Overall, a lovely cavalier
3rd Mangham Brymarden Touch of Gold of Charnavale
Breeders (2, 0)
1st Fox Lynmily Mister Blue Sky
Blenheim boy
Good rich chestnut, a good head, he held his outline on the move. I like his outgoing temperament
2nd Crossley Tameline Roberto
Not quite the movement of the first dog
Carrying a little too much weight and not quite the head I looked for, a little too strong for me
He had a lovely expression and temperament
Open (5, 0)
1st Kilcoyne Granasil Bourbon
What a beautiful ruby
Beautifully balanced throughout
Love his size and silky coat of rich tan
Move so well front and rear
Excellent shoulders
Good spring of rib
Good rear angulation
Lovely balanced head with good ear placement
Good eye with soft expression
Good length of foreface
Well filled under eye
He pushed so hard for the CC but happy to award the reserve CC
It was a day I wished I had 2 CCs to present
2nd Parsons Emberlace Tullamore
Presented in lovely condition
Lovely dark full eye with good ear placement
Excellent pigment
Lovely correct coat and presented in lovely condition
Good shoulders and well balanced
Not quite the shape of the first but a lot to like about him
3rd Price Ouzlewell’s Likely Lad for Almonroyd
Judge: Mr. Ted Eubank (USA) (Pinecrest)
I was truly honored to be invited to judge this Championship show. The entry was beautiful.
There were really good examples of the breed in most every class. I appreciate the hard work
that members put in to making it an extraordinary event. Thank you to exhibitors for your
entries and your good sportsmanship.
Veteran (3, 2)
1. Lewharle Izzadorable For Lynmily (Fox). A pretty girl of seven years. Her lovely
headpiece is accentuated by her large dark eyes. A bit longer in the loin. Beautiful
happy temperament. Best Veteran in Show.
Vintage (1, 0)
1. Tillashby Northern Star at Callyspride JW. (Callaghan). This pretty girl of 10 years was a
delight. Such a lovely girl with big round dark eyes. Her coat was well maintained and
she still covers the ground soundly. Best Vintage in Show.
Minor Puppy (10, 1)
1. Castlewytch Las Vegas (Nolan). This 7-month-old has a solid topline and shows good
angulation front and rear. Sound movement. Nearly square. And a sweet feminin
2. Brymarden Miss Sophie (Claydon). A more substantial youngster. Longer cast and of
good substance. Her pretty eyes and rich coloring are quite nice.
3. Pamedna Sasha Rose (Fox-Shone).
Puppy (11, 3)
1. Verheven Isabelle At Cassandy (Stanton). A small girl although a bit long in the loin. Nice
lay of shoulder and good turns at the stifle and hocks. A pretty face with nice dark eyes.
She moves away and back straight and true. RBPIS.
2. Sweetbriar La Dee Da. (Waters). Her movement in profile shows good reach and drive.
Her pleasant face, good bone and nice length of neck are valuable assets.
3. Conchellia Vivi Velvette by Kelrick (Lee).
Junior (7, 1)
1. Pamedna Tainted Love (Fox-Shone). A Blenheim girl with a sweet face and expression.
Good ear placement. Her compact body and good substance are true assets. Tail
carriage a bit high on the day.
2. Granasil Popsicle (Kilcoyne & Hall). A Black & Tan girl with nice well-conditioned coat
and rich tan markings. A bit longer cast than the first.
3. Leogem Campanula (Homes).
Yearling (6, 2)
1. Llapsstam Sent from Heaven (Spall). A compact Ruby girl. Well balanced. She has a
sweet face full of expression. Angulation is good both front and rear with well laid back
shoulders and good turns at the stifles and hocks.
2. Stavonga Skylark (Hogan). A nicely marked girl. A bit bigger. She moves easily showing
a nice reach and drive in profile. Big beautiful eyes.
3. Anjomil Harvest Moon JW. (Parsons).
Novice (6, 2)
1. Revdvicki Heaven Sent (Galloway). This girl has a lovely headpiece with dark eyes and a
nice ear set. She has a good length of neck. Her coat is in good condition. Well
balanced with good angulation both front and rear.
2. Stavonga Skylark (Hogan). See class 20
3. Honeybet Irma La Douce (Mynott).
Graduate (11, 0)
1. Peaksdown Eugenia At Luvtayl (Taylor). I love her size and her sweet face and expression
highlighted by her round dark eyes. She is well balance and beautifully angulated.
2. Revaelann Scrumptious (Leaver). She is richly colored with good dark eye rim, nose and
lip pigment. Good cushioning. Longer in body than the first.
3. Brymarden May Blossom (Claydon).
Post Graduate (12, 1)
1. Russmic Miss at Sailcross (Galloway). This Ruby girl is short coupled and moves
strongly She is well angulated. Her pretty head features big round dark eyes and she
has a good length of neck. A finalist in my lineup.
2. Fortunamajor Shining Star (Jackson). A Blenheim girl a bit longer than the first. She is
showing a nice level topline, a good lay of shoulder and nice turns at stifles and hocks.
She has a sweet face and expression.
3. Stavonga Sea Change at Ricksbury (Rix).
Limit (8, 0)
1. Ellemich Love Bug (Chapman, Ireland, Chapman). One of my finalists, this girl is well
balanced and is sporting a beautiful coat. Her headpiece is so feminine and her eyes
dark and expressive. She moves soundly.
2. Kelrick Black Velvet Band at Delaby (Corner). She is a pretty Tricolour with dark markings. Slightly longer than tall and good bone.
3. Charnavale Lucy Locket of Marlrose (Saxton).
Special Open Black & Tan/Ruby (8, 1)
1. Cempas Trolly Dolly at Bonniemadra (Holland). This beautiful Black & Tan girl has a very
feminine face, sweet expression and nice dark eyes. She is in great coat today. A
perfectly level topline. She covers the ground smoothly. A great temperament never stops waving her tail. RBCC.
2. Chantismere Roise (Hegarty). This Ruby girl has a sweet face and expressive eyes. Ears set high. Moves soundly.
3. Loranka’s Secret Potion (Hughes).
Special Open Blenheim/Tricolour (4, 0)
1. Kelrick One Kiss (Lee). A very nice girl with big dark eyes, a good length of neck. She was
wagging her tail constantly. Beautiful ears.
2. Kelrick Black Velvet Band at Delaby (Corner) See Class 24
3. Chantismere Chanson D’Amour for Eithlynn (Byrne).
Breeders (3, 0)
1. Anjomil Harvest Moon JW (Parsons). This Blenheim girl has a lovely face with pretty,
dark eyes and a nice ear set. A bit heavily marked and drops off at the croup.
2. Toraylac Delilah (Gibson). She is in good coat with colors well broken. A girl with good
substance. She is a bit short in the muzzle and I would like a bigger eye.
3. Millpoint Smartie (Harrison).
Open (10, 3)
1. Leogem Winter Melody (Holmes). This outstanding girl is full of breed type. A lovely face
with plenty of cushioning. Large dark eyes, good pigment, long thick ears set high with
long leathers. Head carried proudly. She is so sound coming and going away, but her
side gait and tail carriage just a bit above her back line, are so nice to watch. Her coat is
in great condition. BCC & BIS.
2. Stavonga Shot Silk at Ricksbury (Rix). A beautiful girl with good substance, a lovely face, dark
pigment and expressive eyes. A bit out of coat today.