Reserve Best in Show and Reserve Dog

Best Opposite Sex and Best Bitch

Best Puppy in Show

Best Puppy Bitch

Best Veteran In Show

Venue: Thorpe Willoughby Village Hall, Thorpe Willoughby, Near Selby, North Yorkshire, YO8 9PA
Judge: Mrs Jackie Young (Newpark)
I would like to thank the Northern CKCS Society for the invitation to judge their November open show. It was an honour and a privilege to be given the opportunity to judge the breed which took me into the world of dog shows more than 40 years ago. Thank you, to the hardworking committee for your time and commitment to ensuring the shows run efficiently. Also to my two stewards Sue Smith and Mary Constable who were super efficient and for making my day run smoothly. Finally my appreciation to the exhibitor’s for the wonderful entry of beautiful Cavaliers, a breed that will forever remain close to my heart.
Baby Puppy Dog (3, 0)
1 Nolan’s Jenito’s Good Day Sunshine 5 months old Blenheim, showing lots of early promise. Very attractive head , correct bite, dark eye , moderate bone , heavily marked but enough white on legs,chest. Best baby puppy.
2 Spall & Clark’s Llapsttam Carlos 4 months B/T another promising puppy , not as forward as 1st , nice dark eye , rich tan in all the right places, moved confidently around the ring.
3 Bloice’s Scotlass Mr Bea
Veteran (8, 3)
1 Kynaston’s Gransil Golden Nugget. A lovely example of a ruby , almost 10 years old ,still a rich red , masculine head almost flat between his well placed ears. Large dark expressive eyes , moderate neck leading into well laid back shoulders . Medium bone with with straight legs , just starting to show his age .
2 Taylor’s loranka’s Moonlight Shadow,8 year old Blenheim masculine head, large dark eye giving a gentle expression. Soft well marked silky coat shown in excellent condition.
3 Gilbert’s Belfellows The Gentleman JW.
Vintage (1, 0)
1 Gilbert’s Sweetbriar Mr Darce At Cavigil 12 1/2 years old . Blenheim boy enjoying his day. Lovely head , dark eye , good ear placement , well marked silky coat ,in lovely condition given his advancing years .well deserved Best Vintage In Show.
Minor Puppy (2, 1)
1st Rix, Rixsbury Elite 8 month Blenheim , well broken rich chestnut markings on a pearly white background . Head Developing in proportion with his age, correct ear placement , dark round expressive eye, shallow stop , good strong jaw with correct scissor bite .medium neck with crest leading into well laid back shoulders. Excellent spring of rib. Legs straight medium bone , level top line , good turn of stifle. Movement parallel forth & back . A puppy with a bright future .
2nd Leach Ouzlewell’s Ambassador 7month Blenheim , puppy showing lots of promise . Well marked with his coat starting to develop , nice head with good ear placement and a dark eye, shallow stop , moderate neck .medium bone . Still very much a baby , development appropriate for his age.
Puppy (3, 1)
1 Fox-Shone’s Pamedna The Power of Love 11 month Blenheim,
Well broken Blenheim , evenly marked rich tan ,ears framing a typical soft melting expression . Large dark eyes , pigment dense , strong jaw with perfect scissor bite . Medium length of neck with crest , well laid back shoulders, short coupled , medium bone , parallel movement. BPD & BPIS
2 Bloice’s Scotlass Bennyhill tri- colour almost 12 months , well broken markings with the correct tan ,markings . Coat coming along nicely , head still needs time to develop & fill . Dark eyes , shallow stop, correct bite , medium neck , movement not as positive as 1st needs time to settle in the ring .
Junior (3, 0)
1 Walker’s Carsen’s Richie Rich. 16 month old Tri-Colour, a lovely head on this boy , almost flat between his two perfectly positioned ears with long leathers framing the most exquisite face. Large dark eyes , rich tan markings , shallow stop , well filled under his eyes ,well cushioned muzzle . His medium Neck flowed into his well laid shoulders .good spring of Rib , level top line , short coupled with correct tail set, movement was effortless moving around the ring with ease, legs straight and parallel. BD & BIS.
2 Renard’s Ellenaud The Ringmaster. Just 12 months old B/T coat coming on nicely , nice rich tan along with large dark eyes . He as a sweet expression with his ears framing his face. Good mouth , still needs time to grow on & mature .
3 Cryer’s Fortunamajor Spooktaculer.
Maiden (1, 0)
1 Scotlass Bennyhill repeat.
Graduate (4, 0)
1 Walkers Carsens Richie Rich, repeat
2 Taylor’s Revdvicki Heavenly Chance Loranksv 3 year old tri- colour ,nicely marked tri colour , evenly marked on face , nice rich tan, large dark eyes , gentle expression , good turn of stifle ,keeping a level top line on the move.
3 Hamilton & Hoggs Kringleholme Continental (Ba2).4th knights Carolus Coronation
Post Graduate Blenheim Or Tricolor (3, 1)
1 Hoggs Kringleholme Continental well broken Blenheim , nice rich chestnut , on a pearly background. Good pigment , nice dark round eye, head level , ears high set ..good lay of shoulder, medium bone straight legs moved positively .
2 Taylor’s Luvtayl Rave about nice size & balanced , good pigment , scissor bite .flat skull ,dark eye giving a soft expression , nicely marked silky coat in good condition. Moving soundly.
Post Graduate Black/Tan or Ruby (3, 0)
A nice class where all three will change places many times.
1 Fox-Shone’s Pamanda Jacques, very well put together , each piece fitting nicely where it should be , nice flat skull , high set ears , shallow stop , moderate length of neck leading into well laid back shoulders , level back , short coupled, good tail set. Moved with drive . Lovely chestnut colour , unfortunately left his coat at home.
2 Eccles ,Spall & Clark Llapsttam Get Knotted. B/T a lovely size with gleaming black with a bright tan. Nice expression , good neck and shoulder placement , level top line, lovely temperament .moves freely coming & going.
3 Kynaston’s Gransil Ovaltine JW.
Limit (6, 1)
1 Spall & Clark Llapsttam Sir Prize black/Tan .Excelent size & balance ,nice head with perfectly placed Ears , dark round eyes , giving a gentle expression.Arched neck , well laid shoulders, coat of Excelent soft silky texture groomed to perfection. Well angulated moving freely .RBD & res BIS.
2 Eccles,Spall & Clark Llapsttam Get Knotted,
3 Dawsons Luphanex Highland Fling
Open (4, 1)
1 Luvtayla Newsflash 2 year old ,Mature headed Blenheim, dark round eyes , level top line , good tail set , nicely moving around , but not so positive forth & back.
2 Walkers Stovonga Sky Walker Kayceekay JW OSW ShCEx well broken Blenheim, strong head evenly marked, level skull between well set ears, dark eyes, moderate stop with plenty of under-fill/cushioning. Strong jaw with good bite. Moderate neck/well laid shoulders, level top line, steady mover. Another close decision just preferred the more compact outline of 1.
3rd Lunts Oaktreepark Royal Austin
Baby Puppy Bitch (4, 2)
1 Bloice’s Scotlass Daisy Maynell 5 months Tri-Colour,well broken markings, dark eye , tan in all the correct places. still very much a baby just needs time to develop and gain confidence.
2 Bloice’s Scotlass litter sister to 1st, ( and to 3rd in baby puppy dog) nice eye , correct tan placement , very unsure on the table and moving, again needs time to develop.
Veteran (4, 1)
1 knights Buttercup V’t Burgestse Hof At Carolus (Imp Nid) 7 year old Blenheim, very feminine head , dark large round eyes , good spring of rib,short coupled ,level top line & a good tail carriage , lovely mover. BVIS.
2 Dawsons Luphenex Little Lady Katie 7 year Tri-colour lovely size , with a good outline, pretty head , nice dark eye , good reach of neck & shoulder placement , level top line.
3 Byrnes Eithlynn Bewitched.
Vintage (3, 0)
1 Fox’s Lewharle Izzadorable for Lymvlly 10 years old a pretty Blenheim with a sweet expression , beautiful large dark eyes, nice size , level top line both standing & moving.
2 Colavecchia’s Carolus Miss Liberty 11 years old Nice head correct ear set ,well made, Excelent movement I really wanted to issue 3 firsts in this class they all deserved it.
3 Scott’s Toscam Mckayla almost 12.
Minor Puppy (1, 0)
1 Hazeltine’s Juzandia Relight My Fire, Ruby stood alone but worthy of her placement ,almost 9 months , nice colour ,coat developing nicely, shallow stop ,good ear placement with a nice flat skull,large dark eye , level top line , medium bone moved well . BPB.
Junior (8, 3)
1 Chadwick’s Juzandia Lady Bug Blenheim. Beautiful Blenheim with well broken markings .such a pretty expression with large dark eyes , perfectly set eyes that framed her face , correct head , medium length of neck leading into well laid shoulders , short coupled , tail well set in balance with her body , medium bone. Flowed around the ring keeping a level top line.Her young handler seemed to lose interest when it came to the challenge for BIS & had to settle for BB.
2 Bevelmount Nanette by Llapsttam B/T another very pretty girl , nicely developing head , well set ears , large dark eyes , right tan markings , gleaming shiny coat , correct bite , medium bone , short coupled, good turn of stifle. Moved very well unfortunate to meet 1.Res BB.
3 Corners’s Toyswood Magic Dance At Delaby
Maiden (5, 3)
1 Corner’s Delaby Miss Daisy Blenheim nicely marked with a very pretty head , nice rich chestnut on a pearly white .large dark expressive eyes ,shallow stop .scissor bite , medium bone , typical happy, fearless outgoing temperament .
2 Leach’s Ouzelwell’s Spring BlossomTri-colour. Nice for size & overal shape . Not over confident in the ring which resulted in her dropping her Ears , however on the table it was clear she as a very pretty head , good mouth , nice dark eye , shallow stop. Good neck and shoulders ,with medium bone . Still very young with lots of time .
Novice (5, 3)
1st Jaramillo & Chadwick’s Comaneci Causing Chaos Blenheim Bitch at 13 months still lots of maturing to do , very nice so far with a rich deep chestnut colour , well set ears, nice almost flat skull, large dark eye , black nose pigment , shallow stop , scissor bite , medium bone, parallel movement keeping a level top line .good tail carriage ,well let down hocks .
2nd Corner’s Delaby Miss Daisy repeat
Graduate (7, 1)
1 Chadwick’s Juzandia Lady Bug repeat
2 Colavecchia’s Carolus Camilla Blenheim nice broad flat skull with correct ear placement , Dark dark pigment , dark eye. Nicely cushioned ,under eye. Evenly marked with rich chestnut marking . Would prefer a little more neck.
3 Richardson’s Kringleholme Caprice,
Post Graduate Blenheim Or Tricolor (5, 0)
1 Jaramillo Comanec Lady Madonna Blenheim,nicely headed girl ,with good ear set and flat skull, dark eye ,shallow stop. Scissor bite , moderate chest, level top line.moved true.
2 fox’s Brymarden Scarlet for lynmilly.Blenheim with well broken markings , attractive head with a good reach of neck , skull level with high set ears well leathered.well cushioned muzzle , dark pigment ,another that moved true.
3 Knights Carolus Miss Chloe
Post Graduate Black/Tan or Ruby (3, 2)
1 Corner’s Toyswood Magic Dance At Delaby,3rd in Junior ,16month , pretty head still developing , dark eye , scissor bite , coat coming along nicely, not really responding to her owner when moving around the ring.
Open (4, 0)
1 Chadwick’s Juzandia Lady Bug repeat
2 Colavecchia & Thornton’s Carolus Miss Elise Blenheim almost 7 years ,in Excelent condition ,dark eyes ,nose pigment ,scissor. Bite , nice head with long feathered ears that frames her face .good spring of rib level top line . Really enjoying her day .
3 fox’s Brymarden Scarlet For Lynmily
Brace (2, 1)
(2, 1)
1 Richardsons Kringleholme Corvette/ Kringleholme Caprice
2 well marked pretty litter sisters, a little more training on walking at a pace suitable to both, one was obviously wanting to get ahead of her sister and decided to just try jumping over her. Nevertheless they were evenly matched in size, head, colour and markings and I was happy to award the 1st place.
Junior Handling
aged 12/16
1 Leah Chadwick 14 years, was a very confident young lady. Her dog was attentive to her and moved around the ring at a speed that enabled me to judge movement and the control shown by the handler. Both on the table and standing at the end of assessment the handler was reassuring her dog whilst making sure she was stood in such a way to show of her outline. A young handler that could show some other exhibitors how to get the best from their dogs. A budding proffessional handler.
Special Award Classes – Dog or Bitch
Judge: Mrs. Jane Eyeington (Meadowdale)
I would like to thank the committee for their kind invitation to judge the ‘Special Award Classes’ at their open show. It is always a joy to judge the cavaliers, a truly lovely breed. Thank you to the exhibitors for the pleasure of your dogs.
Special Award Puppy D/B (2,1)
1 Rix Ricksbury Elite
So much to admire on this very promising, 7 month old blenheim dog, with a well broken coat. Showing good overall balance. He has a lovely flow to his outline. Masculine head with a soft and gentle expression from his large dark eyes, high set ears, gentle stop with the correct length of muzzle. Good length of neck flowing into a firm level topline finishing with a well set on tail. Stands on well boned limbs and nicely bodied for his age. Moving true with good width behind, and showing drive. Just needing time to complete the picture
Special Award Graduate D/B (7, 2)
1. Colavecchia Carolus Camilla
Pleasing outline on this 18 month old Blenheim bitch, presenting a flowing profile when stood. Feminine head, with a flat skull, high set ears, and large round kind gentle eyes. Good length of neck seamlessly flowing into a firm well held topline. Nice spring to the ribcage and short coupled. Hindquarters show well angulated stifles, and a decent width of thigh. Presented in lovely coat, well broken and rich chestnut markings. She is a happy and positive mover, which won her the class over a lovely tri dog.
2. Walker Carsan Richie Rich
Beautifully presented and in immaculate condition, 16 month old tri dog, with so much to admire. He has a lovely head piece, that gives a melting expression, with large dark eyes, well feathered high set ears and a good fill in below the eyes. Another with a good level topline, slight fall away at the croup. Loved his depth to the brisket and fill in of forechest. Standing on well boned limbs and well angulated hindquarters. Just lost out today as his movement was quite as precise as winner, but a very close decision.
3. Taylor & Hughes Revdvicki Heavenly Chance Loranka
Special Awards Open D/B (4, 1)
1. Colavecchia Carolus Miss Elsie
What a delightful disposition on this 6 year old Blenheim bitch, a little pocket rocket, who is so attentive to her handler. When stood she has a pleasing silhouette, would like a fraction more length of leg for complete balance, but this did not detract. Feminine head, with a flattish skull, dark eye and pigmentation, well placed ears all giving a soft and gentle expression. She is well developed through the body, with a good spring of rib and a firm level topline, with a well set on tail which was in constant use!. She used her well angulated hindquarters to drive around the ring, showing reach and drive. Well presented with a long silky coat
2. Dawson Luphenex Highland Fling
Smart Blenheim dog who is coming up 3 years of age. Masculine head of good proportions, correct ear placement with lovely feathering, large dark eyes, good pigmentation to give him a melting expression. Holding a firm level topline both stood and on the move. Put down in lovely coat and condition. Lovely demeanour, happy and outgoing, showing himself off well, but today not as tidy on the move as winner.
3. Fox Brymarden Scarlet For Lynmily