Best Pupy In Show

Best Veteran In Show

Best Vintage In Show

Reserve Best in Show

Venue: Ferryhill Leisure Centre, Lambton Road, Ferryhill, County Durham, DL17 8TB
Judge: Mrs. Anne Dobie (Glengariff)
Thank you to the Club for the invitation to judge at your Show – this was such a thrill and one of the highlights of my life with Cavaliers. My thanks to the exhibitors for entering and accepting my decisions so sportingly. My thanks also to Trish Potter and Norma Inglis for their competent stewarding and company on the day.
Thank you also for the wonderful hospitality extended to my friend, Kerre and I from committee members and especially Norman & Gordon and Michael & Jerry.
Like many, I have heard the dogs in UK are not the quality they have been in the past – that’s true, they’re not and for a number of reasons. However, I was very happy with my winners on the day and have absolute faith in the quality and knowledge of the current breeders that you can change this!
I was delighted that, with the agreement of my co-judge, the two boys went on to win Best in Show and Reserve Best in Show respectively, however I do have to acknowledge the quality of the lovely bitch c.c. winner – she had the most exquisite head I had seen all day! Her time is not far away.
Veteran Dog
1. Khatibi Bark Obama
Exuberant black ‘n tan who bounced into the ring. Well balanced with an attractive head, correct shape eye, although I would have preferred them to be bigger this did not detract from his gentle inquisitive expression. Gracefully arched neck fitting into well placed shoulders, short-coupled body, well coated with a level topline which he retained on the move. He moved well in front and from behind.
2. Ch Harana Jack Jones at Merryoth
Blenheim boy, I liked his shape. He has a handsome, evenly marked head, with large gentle and dark eyes, although I would have preferred them placed slightly more forward looking. Correct ear placement and well fringed ears added to the picture. Level topline he was moving a bit close behind today.
Vintage Dog
1. Chantismere Charade Kayceekey JW SHCM
Dearest 10.5 year old enjoying his day out! Lovely head with round dark eyes that contributed to his gentle expression. Correct shape, good topline, rich coloured coat of the right texture. Moved away positively.
Minor Puppy Dog
This was not an easy class to judge and I was rather surprised at the beards on the faces of so many of these puppies. Obviously, it is a stage they go through as I didn’t come across any others after this class. However, it is incorrect and on the day some of them did not look like Cavaliers at all.
1. Kringleholme Kraftwerk
Blenheim boy with an attractive shaped head with lozenge. Round eyes that were dark enough, his expression was spoilt a bit with tear stains but I know this is a stage they can go through. Well set ears with plenty of feathering. Good forequarters with correctly placed shoulders, level topline with his coat about right for his age. He pinned in front and moved well from behind. He kept his topline on the move but tended to stand awkwardly and drop at the withers.
2. Kringleholme Piecewerk
Litter brother to the first place winner and many of the remarks apply to him. His coat is a rich colour, he moved OK.
Puppy Dog
1. Cavallibrook George Ezra
I was delighted to see this lovely puppy stride confidently and happily into the ring! Fits the general appearance of our standard so well – active, graceful and well balanced with gentle expression.
He did not disappoint on the table. Attractive and correct head with round eyes of the correct dark colour framed by well set long ears. Well placed, open nose which contributes to the cushioning under the eyes being in the correct place. Arched neck fitting into well placed shoulders, short-coupled body that allowed him to move soundly. Beautifully presented in sparkling condition.
2. Pamedna Jacques
Pretty ruby boy not as outgoing as the one in front of him. I appreciated his size and shape. Flat skull with well placed ears framed his pretty head, good dark eyes, graceful neck fitting into correctly placed shoulders. He is in good coat and moved well. He just needs to mature and is a very promising puppy – one to watch for him in the future.
Junior Dog
1. Ellemich American Express
Mature blenheim boy in good coat and condition. Lovely gentle head, evenly marked head with large dark round eyes correctly placed, shallow stop, good dark nose all contributing to the fill under the eyes and open face that draws you in. Graceful neck slotting into correctly placed shoulders. My notes say he was just a tad short coupled for me and he dropped a little over his hindquarters. Well angulated hindquarters he drove well from behind. You could all see how close it was for my choice for the c.c. and it was splitting hairs deciding between him and the eventual c.c. winner – very easy decision to award him the res c.c. and with total agreement of my co-judge Reserve BIS.
2. Loranka’s Engato
Lovely black ‘n tan unlucky to come up against the first place winner today! Only just 12 months and his time will come. Super head with dark eyes of the correct shape and placement. Richly coloured tan over his eyebrows and cheeks. In good coat of correct silky texture. Level topline which he carried on the move, very attentive and at one with his handler.
Yearling Dog
1. Stavonga Sky Walker Kayceekay JW
Handsome blenheim dog. He has a well balanced attractive head, lovely round dark eyes, lovely black nose with correct muzzle and fill under the eyes. Good front, correct shoulder placement and topline. He has a richly marked coat of correct texture and moved well fore and aft. Calmer nature.
2. Castlewytch Valentino
Pretty Blenheim boy similar in style to the first place winner. Pleasant head with well set long ears framing his pretty head. Hope his mouth comes right. He has the correct level topline, richly marked coat. Not the balance of the first place winner.
Novice Dog
1. Llapsttam’s Heavenly Scent
Elegant ruby boy with a well balanced headpiece. Good breadth of skull, lovely round dark eyes and good pigmented nose. His well set ears and feathering complimenting the overall picture. Good reach of neck, level topline he was in good coat of a rich colour. He moved well
2. Loranka’s Dreams Like This
Handsome well marked tricolour boy who was out of coat today. Attractive balanced head with correctly shaped round eyes – I would have preferred them darker. Short coupled but lacking in neck and not the balance of the ruby in front of him.
Graduate Dog
1. Castlewytch Infatuation
The only exhibit in this class. Good shaped head with even markings, round dark eyes that contribute to the correct melting expression. Would prefer a better lay back of shoulder, level topline, in good coat and condition. He was a bit erratic on the move today.
Post Graduate Dog:
1. Narayden Ben Hur
Black & tan with a pleasing head. Good tan markings above his eyes and on his cheeks. Dark eyes that I would have preferred to be rounder. Good front, correct shoulder placement, he is well balanced. His lovely coat glistened, in such good condition. Moved well fore and aft.
2. Embeth Rock The Boat
I did like the type of this Blenheim boy but he did not settle giving his handler a hard time. Pretty head, round dark eyes and good pigment. Super coat colour and beautifully presented. He was not keeping a correct topline, roaching on the move and didn’t move at all well.
Limit Dog
This was the best quality class so far on the day.
1. Bonniemadra Loked an Loaded
The Star of the day! He caught my eye the moment he moved into the ring. My first impression was of a smart Blenheim boy the correct size and shape.
He has a lovely, unexaggerated head with dark round eyes, lovely correctly placed pigmented nose which contributes to the face being well filled below the eyes. Yes, the eye rims could have been better pigmented but this did not detract from his expression at all.
Elegant neck fitted into well placed shoulders, level, crisp topline and correct tail set. Coat of the correct texture and colour – had enough coat for me to get him through to top honours today. Good front, well angulated rear he can drive and move.
He had to work hard for the c.c. but after asking my final three to move just one more time he clinched it with his super topline, drive and unrestricted movement.
2. Juzandia The Shaman
Solidly marked Blenheim, rich colour. Pretty evenly marked head with ears well set to enhance his head. Loveliest of eyes like round limpid pools. Although at first appearance looked a bit stuffy, he has correct shoulder placement masked by the markings. Lovely outline on the move.
Special Open Black & Tan / Ruby Dog
1. Ch. Granasil Bourbon
Lovely, richly coloured ruby in super condition. He has an attractive balanced head with correctly placed ears. Correct round and dark eyes. Lovely graceful neck slotting into well placed shoulders, short coupled and a topline you could balance a glass on! Moves so correctly fore and aft. He was very much as one with his handler. Very close up to the two blenheims in the challenge line up and a very worthy c.c. winner and Champion. I would have just liked softer angles to his head and he would be hard to go past. Liked him very much.
2. Pamojill Arran
Black & Tan longer cast than the winner. He is heavier in head and shorter in foreface than I like. Lovely round dark eyes, and good tan markings over his eyes and foreface. Lovely coat of correct texture he moved OK.
Breeders Dog
1. Ember Wishmaker
Handsome well marked Blenheim. He has a handsome evenly marked head, large dark eyes and well pigmented nose. Arched neck fitting into correctly placed shoulders. Level topline, well coated, and a bit wavy over the croup. He moved well fore and aft.
2. Loranka’s Imagine
Pretty Blenheim whose head was more “me”. Correct head, with the prized lozenge, dark eyes contributing to his sweet expression. Richly marked coat but still waiting for his coat to grow. Level topline and not as free moving and flowing as the class winner.
Open Dog
1. Ch. Granasil Trick or Treat For Narvidar JW
Black & Tan boy, handsome head, round dark eyes correctly placed. Rich tan markings and excellent pigment. He has the required arched neck slotting into well placed shoulders. Short coupled, level topline and in good coat. Exuberant personality and very attentive to his handler. Moved and jumped exuberantly showing off his good hindquarters.
Judge: Mr. Michael Hegarty (Chantismere)
My sincere thanks to the Northern Cavalier King Charles Society for the kind invitation to judge at this well-run show in a new venue and location. Entries appear not to have suffered as a result of the move and the consensus on the day that even in November the venue offered more than adequate facilities for the event. It was especially gratifying for me as it was at this show that I won my first CC. A heartfelt thanks to those exhibitors who took the time, effort and expense to present their dogs in mid-winter. As someone who must travel greater distances than most it meant a lot and was very much appreciated.
Much has been said of the quality of dogs currently being shown in the UK. I really don’t think we are behind the fence in comparison with other countries who have also suffered losses to the showing fraternity post pandemic. Gone are the days of when multiple dogs are being kept, partly due to the expense and lifestyle changes of breeders. Also, the ability to use dogs from Europe and beyond with greater ease than it once was, has negated the need to keep dogs surplus to requirements.
The strength is without doubt currently in the bitches and I was pleased to find many quality exhibits who could quite easily carry a crown. Head shapes have improved with less short faces (an extreme feature which while pretty to look at are none the less incorrect); light eyes; appalling dentition and weak rear movement. Some very nice exhibits had to pay the price for shortcomings in these faults which, if not dealt with, will have consequences in the future. That said, there was much to commend current breeders in the many beautiful dogs I judged on the day. To my surprise, my three main winners, bitch CC, Reserve bitch CC and BPIS were all sired by a dog I have never seen.
Finally, I would like to thank my co judge Anne Dobie (NZ). I had been looking forward to this opportunity for some time and we amicably agreed on the final awards making it a most pleasant day.
Veteran (5, 1)
1 Rees’ Embeth Bonny Boat JW What better way to start the day than with this lovely tricolour girl whose good construction and free flowing movement made her hard to ignore on entering the ring. Satisfying to go over on the table, with a super sweet expression from eyes that are set correctly and of the desired size and colour. Shown in marvellous bloom and gave her all in a non-stop performance, completely in tune with her owner, showcasing her many virtues and superb temperament.
2 Bayliss Castlewytch Krishnas Star Another super tricolour, close up to the winner in all respects. Her undeniable and indeed enviable shape and balance were both a joy to go over on the table and watch on the move. Super, clean cut and well broken markings making for a very classic picture. Beautifully balanced head with dark soulful eyes. Not an easy choice to make. I hope her owner keeps her out for others to see as I believe it has been a few years since she has been shown.
3 Fox Lewharle Izzadorable for Lynmily
Vintage (3, 1)
1 Callaghan & Todd’s Tillashby Northern Star at Callyspride ShCM Probably one of the most memorable exhibits of the day for all the right reasons. At 10 and a half it is still easy to see why this Blenheim girl is, in my opinion, one of the nicest bitches to have graced our ring in recent years. Her shape and outline are enhanced by a super top line and tail carriage. On the move she belied her years with a faultless performance in all directions. Moderate in all respects with a head that was harmonious for balance and ideal proportions, set off by eyes that were large, dark, round and imparting the most wonderful expression. It was an honour to judge her
2 Scott Lorphil Lalibertie Another nice richly marked blenheim exhibit and no disgrace to stand second to the winner. Most pleasing head with correct well tapered muzzle, lovely eyes and well-placed ears. Good for balance with short back and well off for bone. Put in a good performance.
Minor Puppy (12, 2)
1 Ryan Cavallibrook Ophelia Impressive well-broken and richly marked girl who was schooled to perfection and consequently put in a flawless performance which showed off her many virtues. She is just classic in every respect. Beautifully balanced and so satisfying to go over from top to tail, nothing discordant to the touch with each part flowing seamlessly into the next. Good quality coat coming through of correct colour and texture. Beautiful head properties with the best of eyes and expressions. Put in a rock-solid performance on the move to secure the class. Challenged her very worthy kennel mate for BPIS and, with complete agreement of my co-judge, sealed the deal with her enchanting expression and performance on the day.
2 Spiers Bonniemadra Cantarito My eye kept coming back to this neat little package who stood in a well-maintained ruby jacket and plenty of it. Good angles all through and moved with elegance, which was assisted by very positive movement both ends. Pretty head of nice proportions with dark expressive eyes as per the standard. One who was hard to ignore and I’d like to see her again as I’m sure she will just progress with maturity. Most appealing.
3 Jaramillo’s Conabec Lady Madonna
Puppy (13, 0)
1 Spall’s Llapsttam’s Eunice Another one who possessed a very snappy outline that was hard to ignore. Her neatness and ideal size gave a slight impression that she was a fraction shorter on leg but, on examination on the table, I found her pleasantly well balanced. Sweetest of headpieces with nice amount of fill below beautiful limpid eyes that were in proportion to her head size and shape and imparted a most endearing expression. Black and tan coat coming in and presented to perfection. Very appealing and won over 2nd place on maturity.
2 Fox-Shone’s Pamedna Sasha Rose I really liked this ruby girl who was just rawer in comparison to the class winner. However, this can also be a blessing as she has all the right attributes to mature into a very lovely bitch; a slow burner often finishes ‘on point’. The word ‘elegance’ sprung to mind, and she impressed on the first move around. On closer inspection she was most satisfying to go over. Lovely crest to neck leading into well laid shoulders, short back and level top line. Moved decisively both ways. When fully mature and in full coat I think she will give her owners many happy days.
3 Rogerson & Williamson’s Rabymar Hot Gossip
Junior (6, 2)
1 Kerr’s Kinvaar Away with The Fairys Little did I think I’d find my CC winner so early in the day. This delightfully pretty tri with such rich tan was not even on my radar having spent the preceding months at home maturing, as it seems very nicely indeed! She has such a beautiful classical head with correct tapered muzzle, well placed ears (which she made great use of) and enough fill under the eye to amount to a perfect look that is the result of complete harmony in head proportions and her evenly divided head markings. To top it off, her beautiful eyes imparted a gentleness that is so important to preserve in our breed. Despite a change of handler, she put in a good performance which got more impressive the more she moved. Coat of good quality and texture which was so striking that in profile she completely locked my eye. On breaking for lunch, she was the one to beat and ended up CC winner in the best of company. My co-judge agreed that the reserve dog CC winner presented in full coat and effervescent form should go RBIS. Notwithstanding, this bitch who is of such merit and worthy of a crown, went home with a respectable BOS on the day
2 Stanton’s Verheyen Isabelle at Cassandy A lovely girl who impressed me much. Lovely for size and shape. Well broken coat of rich chestnut markings, covering a very neat package that looked so nice in profile. Lovely angles all through. Moved impressively and certainly caught my eye. Unfortunately, she has suffered some degree of eye trauma that prevented me from fully assessing her expression. What I did manage to glimpse was enough to set her apart from the rest of the class.
3 Hawes’ Rainboweyes Bliss
Yearling (8, 1)
1 Fox-Shone’s Pamedna Tainted Love This beautiful blenheim girl scored on so many essential breed points; the sum of which amounted to what my notes say, ‘Quality bitch!’ Stood in a jacket of well broken chestnut on pearly white background that was presented beautifully. Her head is so engaging and houses the best of eyes with wonderful melting expression and darkest of nose pigment that is lacking in so many. Well balanced with an impressive out line she demanded attention as she moved with purpose always carrying a short level top line. She caught my eye on many occasions and am sure she will have many more great days. A worthy representative of the breed with type and temperament which is lacking in so many.
2 Kilcoyne & Hall’s Granasil Popsicle Loved this very nice black and tan. Many similar remarks apply as (1). Such a beautiful size and shape with an enviable top line and tail carriage, Shown in gleaming coat of good quantity and texture. She looked a picture in profile and especially on the move which she did so with such aplomb. Delightful headpiece which was nicely balanced with most pleasing proportions and excellent eyes. I liked her a lot.
3 Spall’s Llapsttam Sent From Heaven
Novice (8, 1)
1 Callaghan & Todd’s Llapsttam Heaven Sent at Callyspride Elegant little ruby who presented a lovely shape. Head still has lots of time to mature but with so much potential I’d be prepared to wait. Prettiest of eyes, correct tapered muzzle and well-set ears made for a nice picture. Nice amount of coat of good texture; on the move she was positive and displayed good angles all through. A waiting game but I think it will be worth it.
2 Leach’s Arrowbien Doris Day Close up to winner and will always demand a second look. Beautiful head, dark eye and gentle expression. Loved her short back and level top line which looked good in profile. Well broken blenheim of good colour. Moved well for her owner who did a good job curbing her enthusiasm.
3 Fox-Shone’s Pamedna Miel De La Vie
Graduate (10, 0) Very nice class
1 Claydon’s Brymarden May Blossom Such a nice neat, pretty blenheim with lots of kerbside appeal, shown in an abundance of coat in the best of condition. On closer examination she handled beautifully on the table. Lovely size with equal substance. So well balanced and steady on the move. Such lovely head proportions and the very best of eyes. To top it off she had one of the best temperaments of the day. Super girl with potential to go far.
2 Hogan’s Stavonga Skylark Well broken blenheim girl who unfortunately did not dress for the weather up north. Very satisfying to go over, proving to be a well-constructed bitch. Super eyes and well-set ears with very pleasing expression. Moved well for her handler, displaying the lovely cavalier temperament.
3 Bayliss’ Castlewytch Nevada
Post Graduate (8, 1)
1 Rix’s Stavonga Sea Change at Ricksbury JW One I was excited to get my hands on. Having watched her on many occasions I have always admired her and am sure that there is more in store for her. She is neat with a super shape that is so well balanced. Ideal size with matching head proportions and presented a very commanding outline in profile and on the move. Well broken rich chestnut markings. I loved her head – so correct with the best of eyes that were captivating. I loved her. When she coats up this delightful girl will trouble the best. Worthy of a crown.
2 Drewett’s Judyland Miss Isabelle What an adorable Tricolour. The very second, I looked in those wonderful eyes I was captivated. She is small with substance. Brimming with type without being overdone. What a beautiful head she possesses. Very shapely in outline with sound positive movement, super top line and so well balanced. Carried her tail beautifully making for a lovely picture. Shown in super condition; I truly loved her.
3 Jackson’s Fortunamajor Shining Star
Limit (10, 5)
1 Hughes’ Loranka’s Secret Potion Super black and tan of beautiful size and overall proportions. So neat with level top line that looks good both standing and on the move. Truly delightful head that is very captivating with the very best of eyes. Plush coat of lovely texture and immaculate condition. Moves like a dream! One who deserves a crown too; hard to ignore in any company.
2 Parsons’ Anjomil Harvest Moon JW Richly marked blenheim who is spot on for type and outstanding temperament. Beautiful head that exudes quality and fits the standard so well in all respects. Great size and shape. Looks great standing and equally impressive going through her paces. A quality toy spaniel.
3 Rogerson & Williamson’s Rabymar Secret Code
Special Open Black & Tan /Ruby (5, 1)
1 Holland’s Cempas Trolley Dolly at Bonniemadra (imp Can) Recently crowned black and tan who deserves the honour. Lovely shape and very satisfying to go over on the table being nicely balanced and of correct proportions. Shown in glorious raven black coat which shone like glass, with super tan in all the right places. Most lovely head and expression. Moved like a dream with verve and an enthusiastic temperament. A credit to her owners.
2 Spall’s Llapsttam Sent from Heaven Really liked this ruby girl who made more of herself than in her previous class. Still not finished but I thought her very correct with a touch of elegance that appealed immensely, especially on the move. Beautiful head that meets so much in the standard: correct ear set, tapered muzzle and just enough fill for her age. She has time on her side, and I won’t be surprised to see her notching up the ranks in due course. Shown in lovely coat and condition.
3 Maclaine’s Lochbuie Graffiti
Special Open Blenheim/Tricolour (3, 1)
1 Turnbull’s Peakdowns Angelica One of the steadiest movers of the day. She never put a foot wrong and was extremely happy on the move. Beautiful size and so well constructed, rich chestnut coat. Very pleasing head properties and nice gentle expression. She ticked many of the boxes for me and am surprised she is not doing more as I do feel she is a worthy representative of the breed.
2 Corner’s Kelrick Black Velvet Band at Delabyely Very pretty tricolour who was a tad exuberant and gave her handler a hard time. So much to like. Lovely size and shape with such pretty eyes. When settled she will have better days.
Breeders (5, 1)
1 Lovel’s Lovetrac Theodora Really lovely little blenheim girl just coming back into full bloom. Prettiest of heads, with the very best of eyes, which is her crowning glory. Neat shape with good proportions. Moved well in profile and won the class on her overall type and temperament with relative ease. Knocking on the door for greater things.
2 Hogan’s Stavonga Secret Crush Lovely blenheim of good shape and carrying just enough well broken coat for overall finish. Pleasing head with best of eyes. Made well with great neck and shoulders. Moved well off a strong rear. Unlucky to meet (1) on the day. Will be a useful girl.
3 Richardson’s Kringleholme Mosaic
Open (9, 6)
1 Lovel’s Ch Juzandia Sennan at Lovetrac A favourite of mine and well-deserved champion who is brim-full of quality. One of the best head and eyes of the entry, which is so pretty and typical of her breeder’s type and style. Well-presented coat coming back into bloom. Not much to offend and one of my most difficult decisions of the day. Unfortunately lost her top line on the move and together with ‘winter nose’ hard decisions had to be made.
2 Rix’s Ch Stavonga Shot Silk at Ricksbury JW Well known blenheim of great make and shape who was so satisfying to examine on the table. Enough coat which was of good colour and texture. Another one with a very pleasing head with super eyes which were so large, dark and round. She excels on the move and made a lovely impression going around. A quality girl.
3 Turnbull’s Peakdowns Elle