Venue: Thorpe Willoughby Village Hall, Thorpe Willoughby, Near Selby, North Yorkshire, YO8 9PA
Judge: Mrs. Meriel Taylor (Ballarat)
Many thanks to the Officers and Committee for the invitation to judge the above show and to the exhibitors.
Rix’s Stavonga Sea Change at Ricksbury, JW
Kynaston’s Granasil Golden Nugget, ShCEx VW
Kynaston’s Granasil Golden Nugget, ShCEx VW
Spall’s Llapsttam’s Eunice
Kynaston’s Granasil Golden Nugget, ShCEx VW
Not awarded
Veteran Dog 2(1) abs
1st Kynaston. Gransil Golden Nugget ShCEx VW. 8 Years told me that ruby male. His head is almost flat between the ears and he has a shallow stop. Nostrils are black and his muzzle is well tapered. His face is well filled out below the eyes. Large round dark eyes. Ears set on high, long and with plenty of feathering. Mouth good. His neck is of a moderate length and with a slight arch. Chest is moderate with well laid-back shoulders. Straight legs, Short coupled and a good spring of rib. Well-turned stifles good, cushioned feet. Tail set on correct. Moved well. BD, Res. B.I.S, B.V.I.S.
Special Vintage No entries
Minor Puppy Dog 3
1st Spall. Llapsttams’s Sir Prize. Eight months old B/T with the correct markings. Head is maturing nicely and dark round eyes. Nostrils are black and he is filling out nicely below the eyes. Ear set on correct, high, long and with adequate feathering for his age. Neck is slightly arched, leading into well laid shoulders. Chest is moderate and straight legs. Tail set on correct. He needs to come up on leg, but time is on his side.
2nd Lunt Oaktreepark Royal Austin. Very raw Eight-month-old blenheim. He tended to dip in topline and his movement could have been truer.
3rd Hood Rabymar New York
Puppy Dog 5 (1) abs.
1st Spall. Llapsttams’s on your marks. 8-month-old Blenheim male. Lovely outline and did not disappoint when I went over him. Head developing well and flat between the ears. Eyes dark and round and face well filled below the eyes. Mouth with correct scissor bite. Neck of moderate length and slightly arched leading into well laid shoulders. Chest of moderate with and legs straight and moderately boned. Good spring of rib and level back. Short coupled. Tail set on correct. Well-turned stifles and moved well. Feet are compact and well cushioned. BPD
2nd Richardson. Kringleholme Kraftwerk. 8 months old and much of the same appeasement he was not as true in his hind movement and his tail set was a little high.
3rd Leach & Mancey Estrid Erasmus
Junior Dog 4 (2) abs
1st Linton’s Thekop’s Black’N’Gold. Black and Tan with correct markings He is lovely for shape and size, although a little heavier, than the norm. Good head, flat between the ears. Ear set on correct, long and with plenty of feathering. Neck nicely arched and good lay back of shoulders. Good spring of rib and chest of moderate width. Straight legs and short coupled body. Tail set on correct and moved well.
2nd Leach Ouzlewell’s Symphony. Blenheim male. Preferred the head on my winner and his rear movement could be better.
Maiden Dog No Entries
Novice Dog 1(1) abs
Graduate Dog 1(1) abs
Post Graduate Dog Blenheim or Tri 1
1st Richardson. Kringleholme Sardonyz 3-year-old male. Lovely head of correct proportions. Good Ear set and plenty of feathering. Neck slightly arched and good lay of shoulders. Chest was moderate and a good spring of rib. Hindquarters were strong and tail set on correct. Good cushioned feet and moved well.
Post Graduate Dog B/T or Ruby No entries
Limit Dog 3
1st Mangham. Brymarden Touch of Gold at Charnavale. 3 years old Blenheim Dog. Good head of correct proportions. Eyes dark and round and well filled under the eyes. Nostrils black. Ear set on high, with plenty of feathering. Neck slightly arched and good lay of shoulders. Chest of moderate width made a good spring of rib. Straight legs of moderate bone and good hind quarters. Feet well cushioned and tail set on correct. Moved well
2nd Renaud. Ellenaud Oliver Twist. 4-year-old Blenheim Dog. Much of the same applies, I just preferred the movement on my winner.
3rd Leach Melrose Dalton
Open Dog 2(1) abs
1st Fox. Lynmily Mister Blue Sky. 5-year-old Blenheim male. He is a little on the larger size, but he didn’t disappoint on examination. Good head and ear set on correct. Mouth was correct and nice arched neck; Shoulder placement was good and a good spring of rib. Straight legs and correct hindquarters. Tail set on correct. Well cushioned feet and moved well R.B.D.
Veteran Bitch 3
1st. Mangham. Brymarden Touch of Gold at Charmavale. 9and a half year old Blenheim Bitch, enjoying her day out. Lovely head and ear set on correct with good feathering. Slight arch to her neck and well laid shoulders. Good spring of rib and level top line. Tail set on correct and moved well
2nd Byrne. Chantismere Chanson D’Amour for Eithlynn. 7-year-old Bitch and much of the same applies, just lost out on movement.
3rd Fox Lewharle Izzadorable for Lynmily
Special Vintage Bitch 2 (2) abs
Minor Puppy Bitch 4 (3) abs
1st Lunt Oaktree Park Royal Ava 8 months old Blenheim bitch. Very much a raw baby. Her head is developing nicely. Ear set on is ok. Neck slightly arched, leading to good shoulders. Needs to fill out in body. Movement steady for such a raw baby.
Puppy Bitch 2
1st Spall. Llapsttams’ Eunice 11-month-old B/T and what a little cracker. Head is correct flat between the ears and ears set high, long and with plenty of feathering. Correct scissor bit. Face well filled below the eyes and nostrils black and well developed. Eyes dark and round. Neck with a slight arch, leading into well laid shoulders. Moderate chest and straight legs. Body is short coupled with a good spring of rib. Good hindquarters and well cushioned feet. Tail carried well. Good movement. B.P.I.S.
2nd Knight. Carolus Miss Chloe 11 months old Blenheim bitch and much of the same applies. I just preferred the movement on my winner.
Junior Bitch 5 (3) abs
1st Sharp-Dixon and Reyes. Mitapip Mystical Spirit. Blenheim bitch and a lot to like about her. Head is correct, flat between the ears and ears set on high. Good length and plenty of feathering. Filled out under the eyes, which are dark and round. Neck slightly arched, leading into well laid shoulders. Chest of moderate width and good spring of ribs, Level topline and tail set on correct. Straight legs and good hindquarters. Well cushioned feet and moved well. I do wish that her owner had concentrated more in the challenge.
2nd. Linton. Castlewytch Arizona Sunset. Just out of puppy and needs to mature. A lot of the same applies, but her movement could be truer.
Novice Bitch 2 (1) abs
1st Fox. Brymarden Scarlet for Lynmily. 14 months old. Blenheim bitch. Good head and ear set on correct. Nicely filled out under the eyes which are dark and round. Neck slightly arched and good lay back of shoulder. Level topline, but movement could have been better.
Graduate Bitch 4 (2) abs
1st Bacon. Frondil Martha Chance at Timbric. 22-month-old pretty bitch. Head has developed well, flat between the ears. Ear set on correct, long and plenty of feathering. Neck slightly arched and adequate lay of shoulders. Chest was moderate and adequate spring of ribs. Legs straight and tail set on correct. Her movement could have been truer.
2nd Leach. Mitapip Matilda. Much of the same applies, but she would not settle on the move.
Post Graduate Bitch 4 (2) abs
1st Spall. Llapsttams’s Baskin in the Sun. Blenheim Bitch. Head is of correct proportions and ear set on correct. Long leathers and plenty of feathering. Correct scissor bite. Neck was slightly arched leading into well laid shoulders. Moderate chest and a level topline. Good spring of rib. Straight legs and good hind quarters. Tail set on Correct and true movement.
2nd Lunt. Oaktreepark Royal Touch. Tri-colour bitch and a smaller type. Her movement let her down and she was very unsure of herself.
Post Graduate Bitch B/T or Ruby 1 (1) abs
Limit Bitch 5 (3) abs
1st Knight. Buttercupv’t Burgstse Hof at Carolus (Imp NLD) Blenheim bitch. Her head has developed well. Skull almost flat between the ears. Ears set on high with plenty of feathering. Eyes dark and round and nostrils black and well developed. Correct scissor bite. Her neck is of moderate length and slightly arched. Good lay of shoulders and a moderate width to chest. Good spring of ribs and a level topline. Tail set on correct and well cushioned feet. Moved well.
2nd Lunt. Oaktreepark Royal Treasure. Blenheim bitch and very feminine. She was not very happy today and a little overweight.
Open Bitch 5 (2) abs
1st Rix. Stavonga Sea Change at Ricksbury, JW. She takes your eye when she enters the ring. Full of presence and beautifully presented. What can I say, she fulfils the breed standard for me. Correct head and ear placement. Well filled out under the eyes and nostril’s dark and well developed. Neck slightly arched. Leading into well laid shoulders. Chest of moderate width and good spring of ribs. Level topline and straight legs. Good Hind quarters and well cushioned feet. Tail set on correct and free flowing movement. BB and B.I.S
2nd Lunt. Oaktreepark Magic Skye. 3-year-old Blenheim bitch. A lot to like about this bitch. Head is of the correct proportions and mouth with correct scissor bite. Good body and level topline. Her movement let her down. Res B.B.
Special Award Classes – Dog or Bitch
Judge: Mrs. Jenny Nolan (Jernito)
Huge thank you to Northern Cavalier club for the invite to judge the SAC classes giving me an opportunity to get my hands on some quality Cavaliers. Being a latecomer to this wonderful hobby, it is a well-known challenge, getting the experience in numbers nowadays to support knowledge and experience for new judges. I was so grateful for the support of the Northern breeders and exhibitors, thankyou for bringing your beautiful cavaliers for my opinion at such a formative time in my judging career.
Puppy (7/10)
1st Spall’s Llapstram Sires Prize – This quality puppy stood out in this class. Flat skull and correct ear set lovely dark eyes, head developing, nice outline, well bodied and raven black glossy coat developing well for his age. Confident on the move, schooled well.
2nd Knight’s Carolus Miss Chloe – Blenheim bitch in lovely coat with the desired Blenheim spot, nice compact body with good spring of rib and lovely width of thigh. Would like a little more neck.
Graduate 5/8
1st Leach’s Mitapip Mystical Spirit – absolutely loved this bitch, full of quality. A very pretty head, with beautiful eyes, correct ear set and symmetrical marking and a real balanced outline. She is well bodied and feminine with lovely well broken quality coat that was beautifully turned out. A happy showgirl.
2nd Leach’s Ozelwell Symphony – Underneath the very fluffy coat is a very well-made dog, lovely gentle expression and dark pigment, a lovely neck, so positive on the move with wonderful carriage, he has a lovely outline.
Open 5/11
1st Leach’s Melrose Dalton (IMP GER) – An outstanding Blenheim boy of 5 years right out of the top draw, what a lovely head shape, large round dark lustrous eyes and coal black pigment. His coat was not at its best today, which is well broken. He has short coupled well ribbed body, with lovely width of thigh, moves well with good rear action and tail carriage. I would be very proud indeed to have such a lovely cavalier and a great producer too, as my first and second places in graduate were his children.
2nd Knight’s Buttercup V’T Burgstse Hof at Carolus – A beautiful Blenheim bitch, so feminine, gentle expressive dark eyes symmetrical head markings and an ever-wagging tail. Coat a little out of sorts today but since her daughter was 2nd in the puppy class I can understand why. Nice outline and good ribs on her short, coupled body, she glided elegantly around the ring with a true gait, very happy show girl.