Best In Show winners - 2024 Championship Show



Left to right: Vintage Toscam Mckayla, Veteran Rosirius Bluebell, BPIS Russmic Olivia Rose, Judge Katie Sloan, BIS Ch Lovetrac Theodora, RBIS Juzandia The Shaman, Judge Elaine Berwick, RBPIS Honeybet Hamilton

Dog winners - 2024 Championship Show


left to right: Veteran Ch Khatibi Bark Obama,
Judge Elain Berwick (Merrylaine),
CC Juzandia The Shaman,
RCC  LLapsttam’s Heavenly Scent,
Puppy Honeybet Hamilton

Bitch winners - 2024 Championship Show


Left to right: Puppy Russmic Olivia Rose
RBCC Arrowbien Funny Girl
Judge Katie Sloan (Turretbank)
CC Ch Lovetrac Theodora
Veteran Rosirius Bluebell
Vintage Toscam Mckayla

Venue: Harewood House, Harewood, Nr Leeds LS17 9LQ


Judge: Mrs. Elaine Berwick (Merrylaine)

Northern Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club – Dogs – 26th July 2024

Thank you to the Northern Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club for the honour of judging dogs at their 50th championship show, which was held in conjunction with Leeds general Ch show. There was a lovely atmosphere ring side and it was ideal that this ring ran alongside the Leeds breed judging, hopefully not making it too long a day for exhibitors and the hard-working committee.

It had been 6 years since I last awarded CC’s in dogs and I was looking forward to the day immensely.
Thank you also to the exhibitors for the fabulous entry of 70 dogs especially with the show being on a weekday and also thank you to my ring stewards who kept everything running efficiently.

There isn’t a perfect dog but with one of the larger dog entries this year it was an afternoon of comprises with some ticking many boxes on the table to then be disappointing on the move. I was very pleased with my main winners who I feel are lovely representatives of our breed. Temperaments in all cases were excellent.

It was a pleasure to share the day with my co-judge Katie Sloan and all decisions made were unanimously agreed.

Veteran (2, 0) Two lovely old gentlemen
1st Whitman & Tarabad’s Ch Khatibi Bark Obama JW ShCEx VW
Nice start to the day with this 8.5 year old b/t. The last time I judged him I said he had ‘personality plus’ and he still has it! I liked his size, he has an elegant neck and good shoulder placement leading onto a level topline. He covers the ground so effortlessly and could certainly show some of the youngsters how to move. His coat was well presented and he had full ear feathers. I was more than delighted to award him Best Veteran Dog.
2nd Kynaston’s Granasil Golden Nugget ShCEx
Ruby boy aged 9.5. The first thing that attracts you is his soulful eyes and gentle expression with a few ‘old man’ grey whiskers. Excellent pigment. Good ear placement. Carried his head proudly on the move. Level topline and good spring of rib. His coat had a lovely shine to it. He moved very steadily around the ring.

Minor Puppy (3, 0)
1st Cunningham’s Moonvale Vito Verheyen
Smart blen boy of 8 months. He has a very gentle expression, clear muzzle, lovely dark eyes and excellent pigment. Very well marked and coat beautifully presented. Nice neck and topline. He moved very steadily around the ring and with confidence. Just right amount of bone. Shown very sympathetically by his young handler.
2nd Willis’ Dinitro’s Rock Steady Eddie
Splitting hairs between these two promising puppies. Eddie also has a lovely expression and fabulous pigment, clear muzzle and dark eyes. Correct ear placement. Richly coloured coat which was well presented. Bit looser in front at the moment but hopefully that will settle down. Two smart boys.
3rd Mackenzie’s Carsan In Your Dreams

Puppy (5, 0) Five promising youngsters, all at different stages of maturity on another day could of easily changed places
1st Mynott’s Honeybet Hamilton
Loved this blen boy. He is growing into a lovely youngster. His head is too die for with a gentle expression. Really liked his size and his shape. He has correct bone for his size. Lovely neck and shoulder placement and level topline which he held well on the move. Liked his outline both standing and on the move. Coat was in excellent condition and the Blenheim was a rich colour. Pleased to award him Best Puppy Dog.
2nd Tarabad’s Frondill Dandy Lion
10 month b/t sired by the Veteran winner and very like him. Dark eyes, good pigment. Right amount of bone for his size. He moved very well around the ring. Full of personality and ring presence.
3rd Sedgbeer’s Russmic Whiskey Business
Res Jaramillo’s Conabec Scrumpy Jack
VHC Leach’s Ouzlewell’s Ralphie Lauren

Junior (10, 2)
1st Lovel’s Juzandia Keverne at Lovetrac
A smaller but not in anyway twee Blenheim, correct bone for his size. He has a lovely gentle expression with large dark eyes. Correct ear placement. Good reach of neck leading onto level topline and good spring of rib and tail set. Coat was beautifully presented and a lovely rich colour. Moved steadily around the ring.
2nd Eccles, Spall & Clark’s Llapsttam Get Knotted
B/T with an attractive head and gentle expression. Dark eyes and correct length of muzzle. Nice neck moving onto level topline. He moved well around the ring. His coat was very well presented.
3rd Mackenzie’s Carsan Hot And Tasty
Res Smith’s Beaudale Smooth Criminal
VHC Harrison’s Milpoint Orient Express

Yearling (5, 1)
1st Walker’s Carsan Richie Rich
This smartly marked tricolour had just turned 12 months. Liked his head and gentle expression. He was beautifully presented and is well marked with tan in all the correct places. Right amount of bone for his size. He initially pulled when walking but once his handler changed hands he settled down and move steadily both ways.
2nd Nolan & Bayliss’ Castlewytch Nevada Gunclub
Blen of nearly 2 years. Nice head with dark eyes and good pigment. Correct ear placement. Level topline and good spring of rib. He moved well around the ring.
3rd Carr-Tomlinson’s Lorankas Bryn Terfal at Gerallyn
Res Dubrovska’s Hasano Lucky Ray

Novice (8, 3)
1st Wilkins & Wilcock’s Fortunamajor Bettelgeuse
Heavier blanketed tri boy with rich tan in all the right places. Gentle expression framed by well feathered ears. He is a nice size. Moved steadily around the ring, holding his topline well. Slightly distracted by the smells on the floor. His coat is in good condition and was presented well. Sired by my CC winner.
2nd Smith’s Beaudale Rumors
Ruby boy of 16 months. More masculine head than above. Kept his handler on her toes. He is all a bit legs and wings at the moment. Lovely ruby colour. Right amount of bone for his size. Well feathered ears. Would love to see him in 18 months.
3rd Harrison’s Milpoint Orient Express
Res Hamilton & Hogg’s Kringleholme Continental
VHC Dubrovska’s Hasano Lucky Ray

Graduate (7, 2)
1st Eccles, Spall & Clark’s Llapsttam Get Knotted
See Junior Dog
2nd Drewett’s Arrowbein Jamie
Have watched this boy turn from a gangly teenager into a handsome young man. He has the most lovely eyes, good pigment. Elegant neck, good shoulders and a level topline. He is very well marked and his coat was in good condition. He moved very well going around the ring. Showed well. Like a good wine he is continuing to improve with age.
3rd Hughes’ Loranka’s He’s The One
Res Kynaston’s Granasil Ovaltine
VHC Hood’s Rabymar New York

Post Graduate (3, 2)
1st Hood’s Rabymar New York
Richly coloured ruby. He has a nice expression with dark eyes, good pigment and cushioning under his eyes. Good ear placement. A level topline being slightly longer cast. Carried his head well on the move.
Limit (10, 5)
1st Spall & Clark’s Llapsttam’s Heavenly Scent
This ruby has the most gorgeous head and ‘look at me eyes’. From the tip of his nose to his tail he is quality. Correct length of muzzle, dark pigment. Correct ear placement. Good length of neck going onto level topline. In this class he tended to rush slightly on the move which spoils his outline, in the unbeaten lineup he was more settled. He has so much promise and is an exciting prospect going forward. If his handler can get him to settle more and show himself off to advantage he will have a fabulous show career and rightly so. I was delighted to award him the Reserve CC.
2nd Mynott’s Honeybet Tri Again
Heavier marked tri with narrow blaze, very long ear feathers framing his gentle expression. He did everything to not cooperate with his handler making her work for this place. He is a nice size and shape. Held his level topline on the move.
3rd Leach’s Ouzelwell’s Symphony
Res Walker’s Carsan Red Rebellion
VHC Griffith’s Frondil Happily Ever Arthur

Special Open B/T or Ruby (5, 1) Lovely to see such lovely wholecolours in this class.
1st Kilcoyne’s Ch Granasil Bourbon
It was a honour to be able to go over this well known boy. His coat was a lovely rich colour and beautifully presented. He has an attractive head with dark eyes and very good pigment, full ear feathers. He moved with ease around the ring and used his hindquarters to advantage. He is passing on his qualities to his offspring including his gorgeous ruby daughter who I was delighted to get the chance to go over and agree to her going Best Puppy In Show. Thank you for bringing him, he’s a very worthy champion.
2nd Spall & Clark’s Llapsttam’s Sir Prize
Younger B/T but a quality boy, slightly longer cast than above. He has the most attractive head, dark eyes and correct ear placement. Excellent pigment. Level topline and good spring of rib. He moved steadily around the ring. Will be an exciting prospect going forward, just needs time.
3rd Kerr’s Can Ch Cempas Northwest Passage to Kinvaar (Imp Can)
Res Eccles, Spall & Clark’s Llapsttam Get Knotted

Special Open Blen or Tri (3, 1)
1st Turnbull, Spall & Clark’s Llapsttam’s On Your Marks
Richly marked Blenheim. Showed well and moved steadily carrying his head well around the ring. Built on finer lines, he needs to put on a bit of weight. Very attentive to his handler. Presented well.
2nd Richardson’s Kringleholme Kraftwerk JW
Well marked blen with lozenge. Different head type to first. He has dark eyes and good pigment. Moved steadily but sadly losing his topline on the move.

Open (8, 2) Lovely class of quality boys, literally splitting hairs between them all.
1st Hazeltine’s Jazandia The Shaman
I have admired this boy from the ringside and was hoping to get an opportunity to judge him. He isn’t flashy but is such a lovely example of our breed. He is an ideal size and a true toy spaniel. He has a gentle expression with dark eyes and good pigment and ear placement with long ear feathering. Lovely neck, level topline, both standing and on the move. He moved well going around the ring using plenty of drive from his hindquarters. He carries his tail perfectly and stood wagging his tail constantly for his handler. I was more than delighted to award him the CC which completed his crown which he rightly can wear with pride. Reserve Best in Show
2nd Levy & Sedgwick’s Fr Ch Rio De Coeur Of Sevijeans at Pascavale
Recently joined the top drawer and rightly so. Another lovely toy spaniel a nice size and not too twee. Large eyes with a soft expression, correct ear placement, excellent pigment. Moved very steadily around the ring carrying his head well. Level topline and good spring of rib. Presented to perfection. Splitting hairs between him and the reserve CC winner.
3rd Holland’s Ch Bonniemadra Loked And Loaded
Res Rees’ Embeth Rock The Boat
VHC Levey & Sedgwick’s Forestcreek Im The Man at Pascavale

Elaine Berwick – Judge
7th August 2024


Judge: Mrs. Katie Sloan (Turretbank)

Veteran Bitch

Vintage Bitch

Minor Puppy Bitch

Puppy Bitch

Junior Bitch

Yearling Bitch

Novice Bitch

Graduate Bitch

Post Graduate Bitch

Limit Bitch

Special Open Black & Tan/Ruby Bitch

Special Open Blenheim/Tricolour Bitch

Open Bitch
